Monday, June 1, 2015

Servant leadership, imprisoned

In my bid to understand leadership and its necessity to change, if at all, I came across an interesting book which answered nearly all my questions; it is The Servant as Leader by Robert K. Greenleaf, a must-read for those who want to re-define leadership and bring about the change it truly needs! In view of the growing intricacies between a variety of variables, traditional leadership for sure needs to liberate its demeanor! With servant leadership applied, organisations, especially the learning organisations, can truly create faith, love and trust among its people than the so-called insecure fear-induced respect.
By definition
What is servant leadership? As the definition goes, “Servant leadership is a philosophy and set of practices that enriches the lives of individuals, builds better organizations and ultimately creates a more just and caring world”. Then how does it differ from traditional leadership? “While traditional leadership generally involves the accumulation and exercise of power by one at the “top of the pyramid,” servant leadership is different. The servant-leader shares power, puts the needs of others first and helps people develop and perform as highly as possible”.
Leadership, as we see it
Unfortunately, what we see is more of traditional leadership. In India and in the APAC region, syndicates are prohibited, aping the west doesn't seem to apply here; however, we can see an un-written union among leaders when it comes to controlling people. Those who work do not seem to have any voice and power why! Those who are led are always ruled, not served why! If I ever bring out a book on leadership as we see, I would quote case-studies to show how leaders have failed from their true leadership, how insecure they were to form unions and work in tandem with HR to throw their weights around, like the muscled 'goons' of the panchayats! Human resource? Interestingly, I recall from one of my mentors who'd asked me to write down the first verb that came to my mind when I thought of the word 'resource', and I wrote exploit. Where are those euphemisms now!
There are great leaders too! However, they are few and far between! Most of them are frustrated for sure, fighting day in and day out with mediocrity, and trying to write books on leadership, why not I wonder! The mediocre leaders, on the other hand, with their pathetically frozen understanding of people, shield growth as their showcase; all of which ironically have been delivered by people who are monitored than discussed, instructed than empowered! Most discussions in meetings turn into monologues thanks to the inflated egos of the traditional leaders! To top it all, they insist on a hundred percent participation on their so-called fun-filled events to score points as a great place to work, not attending which are threatened and meted with dire consequences; even fun is fearsome, a show of power, where are we heading I wonder! 
About leadership, from the voice of a client
Traditional leadership needs a thorough change. I wonder when servant leadership is going to be delivered from the confines of a book!

1. goons - a hired hoodlum
2. panchayat - a village council

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