Sunday, September 10, 2023

Promoting our own brand


The objective of this article is to highlight a counterproductive element that is killing our world and thereby explore some ways in which we can cope with it. I may be from Bengal. You may be from Tamil Nadu, Uttarakhand, Bihar, or Mizoram. But we are Indians. It is disheartening to note this lack of consciousness in our workplace and at home. We invariably mock each other, either because of some difference in the way we speak, in the way we eat, in the way we dress, or in the way we look. We can come up with scores of examples that distance us from each other. This is the virus that’s preventing us from learning how to learn together. We don’t realize that this is the singular inimical factor that's preventing us from the spirit of being one nation.

Our ability to accept people from other parts of the country will go a long way in ushering in growth and stability in our part of the world. It can even help in removing prejudices against each other thus ensuring peace in our country. 

Once we are convinced of its potential, there could be various activities to promote and strengthen the belief that we are one; we may be 'eating'* water and fish, we may have this horrible image of doing black magic, some may put too much sour in their food, others may eat chickpeas or other kinds of pulses, some may look like our neighbors, but at the end of it all, we are one nation. We are all Indians, we are all Bharatvasis.

How does one promote a brand India or Brand Bharat

If we observe any advertisement, we will find that the constant depiction of a product or service in all forms of media sends a signal to the brain. When users see a product or service in the market, they immediately choose it, and this continues. In the same way, we can promote our brand within ourselves.

Identity harassment

At the moment there is a gap between our words and actions; unity in diversity stays only at the level of terms, while our actions unfortunately are the opposite. In action, we are intolerant towards each other. First of all, we need to accept that we have this germ in us; making fun of people because of their differences has become the norm since time immemorial. This creates war in us. If we come up with engaging activities to educate people as to how to accept differences through various programs and workshops, then in time, this cloud of intolerance will slowly and surely clear up. This needs to be regarded as identity harassment which is as grave as sexual harassment.

A collective effort

There needs to be a collective effort from the leaders, the government, the industrialists, and the influencers. If people who matter believe in the fact that the change of this mindset can usher in a true ‘unity in diversity’, then it is possible to change the perspective in the days to come. The point is to see if it makes sense to remove this nonsense from our country, or if this intolerance benefitting us in some way or other.

The overall atmosphere

It is very grim everywhere; in families, workplaces, in politics, this damaging model plays its pattern over and over again in time and space. We are constantly making fun of each other and showing us how we are a) different and b) never going to accept our countrymen. As a consequence, information doesn’t flow, it gets blocked, and so does work.

We have delivered

We have fought with many monsters and have successfully killed them for good. Smoking on public transport and in public places has been completely removed from the face of this earth. We have come a long way in upholding gender equality. While the exchange of dowries is regarded as a crime now, the criminalization of the same sex has been removed. We are raising our voices consciously against global warming, social injustice, and religious intolerance. It is time to pat our back and say hey we have done it. If we had shifted our paradigm in these areas, we could also remove intolerance from our country, not only in words but also through our actions.


If we become successful in India, we can spread the model beyond our country and replicate it throughout the world. A Chinese, a Burmese, a Brit, a Nigerian, a Mexican, a Canadian, a Kiwi, an Australian at the end of it all belong to one world. If we take up this project seriously and work collectively towards this one goal, we can have a much more tolerant society with a no-war zone. Wars are the most damaging phenomenon to the environment that the civilization has known. We could promote the world brand of actionized camaraderie and tolerance. However, we need to first of all be convinced that the culture of dogmatism and fanaticism has to stop.

*Bengalis use the verb 'to eat' for water, they do not use the verb 'to drink'