Thursday, June 20, 2019

Health is wealth

Health is wealth

Anger is the deadliest grass you can ever have. It hits and hurts you first. You get diseases like indigestion, insomnia, migraines, skin diseases, cancer, arthritis, depression and many more unwanted maladies.
Ways to avoid anger.
1. Don't use harsh words
2. Don't abuse anyone, not even in your thoughts, remember thoughts kill, thoughts heal.
3. Don't judge, love. Believe in this... "Love me the most when I deserve it the least." This will help you have a sound mind in a healthy body. Remember your mind creates your body, not the other way around.
How to avoid anger.
1. Breathing exercise
2. Walking, jogging, running
3. Daily dosage of positive self-talk. If you have any specific challenge, share... I will help you have a customized self-talk.
4. Meditation. Take help from YouTube: sadguru, brahmakumaris, Deepak Chopra, Art of living,and so on.
5. Doing something you really enjoy, e.g. planting, singing, writing, reading, playing... doing which you feel good.
6. Surround yourself with people who empower you. Avoid those who don't, but never ever curse them.
Here's wishing you all the very best! 👍