Friday, November 27, 2020

Smart world

When the major powers of the world will become buddies, when all the neighboring countries will become best of friends, when the divided worlds will celebrate their togetherness by unconditionally helping to heal each other's wounds, when soldiers of the world will fight only against the natural calamities, when my world would have finally acquired the know-how to survive without weapons and spies, when the news channels will not have any negative news to sell, then we would have built a real smart world. 

The stars are waiting in the sky, flowers in the garden, and several hearts waiting to sing, 'we [have] overcome'.

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Holy shit

"More trouble over free speech in France. I sometimes feel their policy is defective -- why do the Charlie Hebdo cartoons have to be their only example of freedom of expression?"

I couldn't agree more with my cousin's thoughts!

There is racism in France which needs to be seriously addressed. When I was in Paris for a short translation project, I was alarmed in Montpellier where I was studying at the time, about 'racism' in Paris; lo and behold I bumped into a grocery shop whose owner said he had nothing for people like me. When I asked as to what he meant by 'people like me', he ignored me and asked his employee to show me the door. I was thrown out.

I am sure I am not the only one solitary example. Of course my love for France and everything French enabled me to royally overlook this, but this attitude of displacing anger (in most cases with valid reasons) on arbitrary people causes negative vibration and it does set a sad example about the country that gifted democracy to the world. In case, you are naive enough to misunderstand, I am not, in any way, advocating the scoundrels who take it on them as a messenger of their prophet and behead people for what they say to keep committing such crimes, I'm trying to throw some light by wearing a black hat.

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Happy birthday, dear Gandhi.

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi has been studied throughout the world, as he is, even today. However, we have not applied him in our day to day lives. His followers, known as the Satyagrahis, had to take eleven vows and had to live by them in their thoughts, words, and actions. 

Eleven vows of the Satyagrahis: 

1. Non-violence
2. Truth
3. Non-stealing
4. Celibacy
5. Non-possession
6. Body-Labour
7. Control of the Palate
8. Fearlessness
9. Equal Respect for all Religions
10. Swadeshi (use of home manufactures)
11. Freedom from Untouchability.

These eleven principles should be observed as vows in a spirit of humility. The Mahatma, in his ashram in Wardha, ate chapatis, boiled beets, some raw vegetables, and oranges for lunch. On the side of his plate was a large lump, a paste, of very bitter neem leaves which he ate slowly, relishing it bit by bit.

Walk the talk

He is perhaps the last leader who has ever walked on the world living up to his words. The nonviolent voice of Gandhi appeals to man’s highest conscience. Nations of the world, two hundred thirty-three beautiful countries of the world, need to unite and concur on one common point, so they no longer align with death, murder in the name of patriotism, nationality, they align with life. Instead of indulging in destruction (a lose-lose approach), the countries need to focus on construction (a win-win approach); all the fluttering flags should sing an emphatic no as a global anthem and say that they're no longer with the Annihilator, they are with the Creator.


Mahatma says, ‘One should forgive, under any injury. It hath been said that the continuation of species is due to man’s being forgiving. Forgiveness is holiness; by forgiveness, the universe is held together. Forgiveness is the might of the mighty; forgiveness is sacrifice; forgiveness is quiet of mind. Forgiveness and gentleness are the qualities of the self-possessed. They represent eternal virtue.’  


Non-violence is the manifestation of the law of forgiveness and love. Gandhi proclaims, ‘If loss of life becomes necessary in a righteous battle, one should be prepared, like Jesus, to shed his own, not others’, blood. Eventually, there will be less blood spilt in the world.’ That is why, leaders shouldn't send soldiers and warriors in the battle, they should go there themselves, if at all.

Through his conviction on non-violence, Gandhi won political concessions for his land than have ever been won by any leader of any country except through bullets.

Happy birthday dear Gandhi, give us the moral strength so we can apply you in our daily lives and make the world a better place to live. The world is obliged that you lived and walked on its soil. Rest in real power, always.

Sunday, September 20, 2020

No to night shift

Organizations that make their employees work in night shifts should pause and think for a while.

Are they lacking in their role of fulfilling Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activity here?

You must be wondering as to what #CSR activity has to do with night shifts? Where is the link? Is that what you are thinking? Yes, I think there is a link.

All learning organizations should focus on three things, viz. work, profit, and health. It is well-known fact as to how night shifts affect the health of a person. It is not only physical health but even mental health gets adversely affected by working in night shifts.

Why should we allow our children to suffer; why should we force them to work at a time when they should be on bed? How many people from the first world work in night shits? People who work in night shifts there are only those who work for essential services, and of those, you will see that most of them are immigrants working for the whites. 

If we let our children suffer because we cannot say ‘no’ to the white clients of the first world, then what kind of attitude are we showing for our own people? It cannot be expected from Foreign MNCs because they are least concerned about the health of our nations, had it been so they wouldn’t have used our land as their dumping grounds, but it can certainly expect that from our own MNCs!

I have seen employees of many good organizations working on the streets spreading awareness to people on the importance of wearing helmets, abiding by traffic rules, how smoking is injurious to health, and so on. It is heart-warming to see their genuine concern for the health of their nation. By that same logic, shouldn't such organizations show the same concern here as well?

If we are making significant contributions to the society where we perform, in terms of CSR activities, then the best place to perform, as they say, ‘charity begins at home’, will have to be in and from the organization itself; we can do so by taking care of the health of our employees, our children, the future of our nation, just by saying ‘no’ to #night-shift.

Please support the #health of the workforce.
#health is wealth

By saying yes to night-shift, are Indian MNCs lacking in CSR activity?

#healthandwellness #healthawareness #healthhacks #healthandwellbeing #healthcareforall #healthcareprofessionals #nightshift #mentalwellbeing #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthsupport

Friday, September 18, 2020

rambling on human rights and tolerance

Can someone tell me what’s going on,
where are we still going wrong?

You? You are talking about human rights? Are you serious, my friend? Okay, first tell me who is a human.... according to you, who fits the definition of a human? Someone who looks like you? Who talks, eats, behaves like you? If you looked back, you would see that your race had violated human rights the most. You called people names, niggers, chicken roasts, watermelons, and so on… tried to either baptize or civilize chunks of populations, and, in so doing, had destroyed, stolen histories, wealth, and stories of races who were different from you, those whom you thought were not even humans:

‘To wait in heavy harness
On fluttered fold and wild -- 
Your new-caught, sullen peoples, 
Half devil and half child.’

Did you include them too when you talk about human rights? Of all the races in the world, you were the most intolerant. You had offended the whole world. South America comprises
Mexico, the Caribbean and most of Central and South America. In these places, residents speak mostly Spanish and Portuguese. These two languages are classified as Romance languages, which are derived from Latin, and that’s why you call South America Latin America? You have completely erased the indigenous languages, haven’t you? Then why don’t you call it continental euro-America?

Let’s not open the pandora’s box, but even today you have not changed. Not one bit. 

Why should we have to dress like you in our own lands? What do you mean by professional grooming and etiquette? It’s your own style of grooming that you regard as professional, don’t you? What do you mean by dining etiquette? It’s your style of dining, isn’t it? Why do we have to hold a fork and a knife to eat? Why do we have to talk like you, in your language, why should we neutralize our accent to project ourselves as an effective speaker? What do you mean by professionals? They are people who look like you, don’t they?

And why do our children have to do night shifts, why wouldn’t you allow them to sleep at night? And after all this, you are talking about human rights? I know that some of you also do night shifts for essential services in your part of the world, but even those who do night shifts, most of them are immigrants. In our part of the world, in every sector nightshift are creeping in like the insomniac virus that’s adversely affecting the health and hygiene levels here! Why do you compel our organizations to work in night shifts if you are so sensitive about human rights?

 From the way we dress, talk, eat, look, you are telling us that we are not okay, that we have to be like you to be civilized, to look like a professional, and you are talking about tolerance and human rights! Imagine this…in our own land, on days we wear our dresses, we call it ethnic wear day!

 You are still using our part of the world as your dumping ground. Why so! Why can’t you manage your own waste? Why don’t you allow us to cultivate crops in our own lands? The same rule still seems to be the ground rule, isn’t it? First learn to accept humans who look, talk, eat, dress differently, as humans; if you walk the talk well enough, you won’t need to talk much about human rights and tolerance.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020



Look at this globe
As long it's moving
There's glory
There's hope. 

Beautiful minds! 
If you focus 
On this magical ball
You'll be surprised
With its enormous, 
Undiscovered space
That'll emerge from
The waters and the sands, 
Much more than what you found
In the Moon and in the Mars. 

Population can never fathom
How miraculously it stands
How attractive, how handsome, 
How unexplored is it still
How unimaginable is its skill!

It'll roam at ease for 
Millions of years and more
With love and grace;
To check for yourself
What the house has in store, 
Take care to toil with its soil
Until your intelligence cracks, 
Until your brains find the track, 
Until your soul finds solace.

©Supratik Sen

Sunday, July 19, 2020

মনের কাছাকাছি

এই কোবিড ১৯ এর দৌলতে আমরা অনেকেই যেমন বাড়িতে থাকতে শিখেছি, আমি তেমন আমার মনের সাথে থাকতে শিখেছি। মানে শিখছি, ইটস এন অনগোয়িং জার্নি। 

আগে খেয়ালি করতাম না, ভাবতামই না।  দেখ না দেখ মন হয় এক কোণে বসে আছে, ডুকরে ডুকরে কাঁদছে, 'আমার দ্বারা কিছু হবে না বলে', নয়তো অনর্গল কারুর না কারুর সাথে ঝগড়া করে চলেছে, সতেরো বছর আগের ঝগড়া, এখনো চালিয়ে যাচ্ছে! বাবা বাছা করে তাকে ফিরিয়ে এনে  বসাই ধ্যানে, বলতে বলি আমি আত্মা, কাকুতি মিনতি করে বলি আমার সাথে থাকতে, এদিক ওদিক না যেতে, খানিকক্ষন থেকেই আবার পালিয়ে যায়, আবার ধর ধর ওই পালালো ধর ধর.... সারাদিন এখন এই চলে!

তোমরা যারা ভাব তোমাদের কোনো কাজ নেই, ঘরে বসে বোর হোচ্ছ, যারা ভাবা কাহাঁতক আর টিভি দেখা যায়, বা হোয়াটস্যাপ করা যায়, তারা যদি একবার এই নেশায় মাত  তাহলে দেখবে কোথা দিয়ে হু হু করে কী সুন্দর ভাবে সময় কেটে যাচ্ছে! 

আমি আমার কথা বলতে পারি, আমি এখন অনেক শান্তিতে আছি, কোনো পরনিন্দা পরচর্চা নেই, কোনো বিষন্নতা আমাকে আর গ্রাস করে না, নিজেকে অন্যের সাথে তুলনা করে কষ্ট পাই না, মন এখন আমার পরম বন্ধু। আগে ছিল আমার সবচাইতে বড় এনিমি। মনের ভিতরে থাকতো রাশি রাশি আবর্জনা, কিছুই হচ্ছে না, কিছুই হবেনা, আবার কাজে যেতে হবে, আবার খাটতে হবে, এ আমাকে অপমান করলো, ও আমাকে ঠকালো, সারাদিন শুধু এইভাবে নিজেকে প্রহার করে যেতাম, ভাবতামিই না এই চিন্তাগুলো আমার নিজের পক্ষে কতটা ক্ষতিকারক!

তোমাদের মন যদি আমার মত বেয়াড়া হয়, তাহলে ভেবে দেখতে পারো, মনের ওপর কাজ করবে কিনা, এতে আলসামিও কমবে আর কখনো মনে হবেনা কি করি কি করি। এ এক্কেবারে টোয়েন্টিফোর বাই সেভেন অকিউপেশান।  মন একটা শিশুর মতন, কেবল ছটফট করছে আর যা করার না, যেদিকে যাবার না, তাইই করে চলেছে, হা! হা! হা!

এর জন্য দরকার মন্ত্র, মানে মনের অস্ত্র!

মন্ত্র খুব সহজ, অনেকরকম মন্ত্র আছে, যেমন সংস্কৃত মন্ত্র, যার অর্ধেক মানেই বোঝা দায় , আবার সহজ মন্ত্রও আছে, যেমন

আমি পবিত্র আত্মা,

আমি শক্তিশালী আত্মা,

আমি কেবলমাত্র এই তুচ্ছ দেহ না,

আমি অসীম ক্ষমতাশীল আত্মা।

এগুলোর কোন একটাই যদি আওড়ে যাওয়া যায়, তাহলে দেখবে মনের অশান্তি কমে যাচ্ছে, সারাক্ষন নিজের থেকে নিজে পালিয়ে বেড়ানোর ইচ্ছে আর হচ্ছেনা, অন্ধকারকে, বা নিজের পিছনদিকটাকে আর ভয় করছে না, অনেক হালকা, চনমনে লাগছে, এ এমন নেশা দেখবে, সিগারেট বা মদ খেতে আর যেন ইচ্ছাই করছে না, সব সময় মনে হবে কেউ যেন তোমাকে জড়িয়ে ধরে আদর করছে, তা বাইরের জগৎ তোমাকে যতই অপদার্থ, অকর্মন্য, দুশ্চরিত্র, বা শয়তান বলুক না কেন, এই মন্ত্র রত্নাকরের 'মরা মরা' মন্ত্র, প্রহ্লাদের 'নারায়ণ নারায়ণ' মন্ত্র, পীরদের পরম পবিত্র 'আল্লা হু আকবার' মন্ত্র। কাজে লাগিয়েই দেখো না একবার, যীশুর গুরু জন, বা লাহিড়ী মহাশয়ের গুরু বাবাজিকে দেখলেও দেখতে পারো।

এবারের মহামারী যেমন আমাকে আমার আত্মীয়স্বজনের কাছে এনে দিয়েছে, যেমন মনের মানুষগুলোর সাথে লুডো খেলার, কেরাম খেলার আর নির্ভেজাল আড্ডা মারার অবসর করে দিয়েছে, ঠিক তেমনই আমাকে আমার মনের সাথে মনের কথা বলারও সুযোগ করে দিয়েছে, আমাকে আমার মনের কাছাকাছি এনে দিয়েছে।

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Three counterproductive thoughts

Thinking out of the box

If thoughts are things, then we need to revisit the three most counterproductive thoughts that are causing imbalance, inequality, and injustice throughout the world. 

1. Wars as positive checks

We have never challenged this. It's amazing how horrendously a negative phenomenon is ingrained in human minds. We don't need wars to control population. Nothing positive can be attached with wars. Sorry Malthus.

2. Survival of the fittest

This has gone into the subconscious of the world through generations. Even though we talk of win-win today, but we invariably fall prey to the win-lose model because of this thought. It is not only wrong, but it's irrelevant as well. Now, it is survival of the wisest. Sorry Darwin.

3. The 80-20 rule

How has the modern world accepted this phenomenon I wonder. If 80% of the world's population are below the poverty line and 20% are rich, then can we say we have delivered? In business, if 80% of our products or services were to be of a mediocre quality, would such businesses survive? Then how can we underestimate people and processes like this? This notion is the basis of all our evaluation process. Sad. 
We cannot say we have delivered until we reach 100%. All leaders of the world, business houses, reformers, philanthropists, have their concurrence on this wrong pattern of thinking that's not only leading us into mediocrity, but is also causing havoc in the world. Sorry Richard Koch.

I sincerely believe that if we want to change the world, we need to change the way we think. It's time we put 'thinking out of the box' in practice. 

Shifting the focus from the obscure to the concrete

Given my stupidity, I'd request all scientists to focus on the concrete lands we have on the planet earth, rather than concentrating on the obscure outer space.

For instance, imagining the impossible; creating fertile lands in the middle of the Sahara desert, it's so big that a small country can be founded, making acres of inhabitable lands of Australia habitable, sterile lands of the third world fertile.

Just imagine if all lands became fertile, if fruits and flowers would hang from every branches of the trees, if we didn't have to buy vegetables, fruits, and waters, can poverty ever have a chance to survive?

For this, real intelligence needs to shift its focus.

©Supratik Sen

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Proposing death education

Proposing death education

Our education system worldwide does not teach students about death. Teaching about its inevitability, its importance, its beauty, and the necessity to conquer the fear of death can go a long way in stopping global intolerance and bad breath.
Like sex education, proposing death education into the scholastic curriculum.

©Supratik Sen

Friday, June 26, 2020

The new business

The new business

Saying, staying, and being positive is the key to let leaders do what they're condemned to do. 

Saying positive things has suddenly become a growing business. Millions of followers and 'likes' make the person concerned richer and richer. Countless videos displaying heartwarming bonhomie and camaraderie float around the space.

Industries, leaders from all over the world praise such positive minded people because they serve their purpose. Thanks to them they can continue with their win-lose models, their destructive constructions, their  underhand activities. No citizen of the world has the power to stop such disastrous, violent activities. 

India and Pakistan will continue to fight, there's no one who can stop this nonsense from happening, Jerusalem will continue to be the apple of discord, no one will dare to alter the fate with understanding and affection, love will continue to be sold in words, while in action, hatred and animosity will sell like hot cakes.

©Supratik Sen

Monday, June 8, 2020

Disappointed with Kutchina products and, above all, their service.

I bought Kutchina water purifier and Kutchina chimney on May 29, 2019. Within three months, the tube of the water purifier Dewdrop DLX stopped functioning. I reported it to Unique Water Purifier Pvt. Ltd. They came and immediately replaced it. I was happy, but still, I asked the service engineer how it was possible that within three months I had a problem with the water purifier. He gave me a wise smile and went away. It was okay this far. In April this year, during the lockdown, the water purifier started malfunctioning again. I tried their toll-free number 1800 419 7333, it said, ‘the number doesn’t exist’. I called a sales executive by the name of Satyajit (82936 26621) who said all the products of Kutchina are full of complaints. Since this was helping me at all, I tried another sales executive Ajay Mondal (90641 9808) who said he couldn’t help me anyway because of the lockdown, but he also suggested that I write an email to them so that it stays on the record. I immediately wrote to Unique Water Purifier ( with cc to Kutchina’s Customer Care ( on 26 April stating clearly what the problem was. Since I didn’t get any response, I sent several emails in English and Bengali pleading them to contact me. They were silent. Even this far, it was okay, because the whole city was under lockdown.

I called Urban Clap twice because it was difficult for me to survive without clean water, even today I am boiling water and storing, difficult for an old man who stays all alone by himself. I got the water purifier in order to avoid this in the first place. Both the Urban clap mechanics said that the problem was with the PCB board and that it can only be replaced by Kutchina, by none else.

The true picture was revealed when their office (Unique Water Purifier) reopened on Monday 1 June 2020. The lady who spoke to me at 98310 88903 (also their WhatsApp number) was very cordial and was trying to be helpful. She said we can send an engineer but you have to pay for one year has passed. When I narrated my sad story, of how I tried to contact, how I sent them mail after mail. She stopped for a while and said that she did not receive any mail from me. Had she received my mails, she would have definitely rectified it for free. I asked her to check because none of the emails I sent at bounced. She said it could be because their internet wasn’t up and about, that she’ll get back to me as soon as the internet is restored. I called, wrote on WhatsApp to check if she could dig through the mail. She called me and asked me to forward the mail. Since it would be easy for me to search, I asked her about their email address. ‘Why’, she snapped, ‘sir you are telling us that you wrote us, then you should be able to find it.’ Saying this, she did hang up. Was she trying to tell me I was lying? Okay she might have a point, so I tried to search, and I got back the total mail-trail, sent to them on 26 April till 13 May! I called her immediately, she asked me to forward which I did.

After quite some time, I get her call. This time around, she was very polite. ‘Sir, I spoke to my sir, I know you wrote within the period, but nothing we can do, sir said, you have to pay for the PCB board.’

I stopped and told myself I will not spend one rupee as a matter of principle. As customers, they say we are at the helm of affairs, but at the time of crisis, it just the opposite, we are the worst sufferers. I know nothing can be done now. I told her I will escalate, but then I thought there was no point. Kutchina will NOT listen to me once I have become their customer; they will do anything I ask for when I am their prospect. I am disappointed not only with their products but also with their service and with their culture.

Please do not buy any Kutchina products, and if you do, you will face the music, soon.

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Black and white - solution

Black and white – solution [PART 2]

Yes, I have come back to lay bare some ways the non-whites can follow to put an end to the serial killings by the whites under the behest of their government and administration. I might sound a little adamant if I refer to the ways as 'solution' but despite thinking hard on this, I couldn’t find a better word. These are ways that are productive, creative, energizing, challenging, affectionate, lovable, and above all, engaging. 

Newfound revolution – Yes, my friends, I am trying to prepare you for a newfound revolution. However, this revolution needs discipline, that of thoughts (Mansa), words (Vacha), and actions (Karmana). If you see some light in this madness, you can definitely construct a new world for yourselves, a world where there is human dignity, equality, love, acceptance, and equanimity. But, as I said, this needs discipline, and when the project comes into fruition, you will how it enables you, empowers you. There’s a saying that if you do what you did before, you will get what you got before. Therefore, this newfound revolution is all about doing things differently.

I will first start with the proscriptions (things you should STOP doing). When I say 'you' I mean the non-whites. 

The proscriptions (the don’ts)

·        Protest – do not protest. The moment you protest, it places you in a weaker position. You remain weak like you have, for hundreds of years. Can you ever imagine the whites protesting against you? Besides, think what you are protesting against, and to whom are you saying what you are saying? Rest assured; they are all falling in deaf ears. Protesting is by far the most negative way of doing things, you neither move forward nor backward. Your voices are NOT getting heard. Get this clearly into your brain. 

·        Fight – yes, I put that as a different bullet because I don't think it is the same as the previous one. Fighting, in my opinion, is when you are showing your anger, your mistrust against a person, or a situation as the case may be. Anger and mistrust are again negative energies that mislead you, detract you from your goal. That is why you so far are NOT able to overcome, you had to succumb, despite Michael Jackson, Martin Luther King junior singing and dancing. So, stop fighting for or against a cause. Stop fighting.  

·        Demand justice – I find this rather laughable. You are demanding justice from the whites? Go add sugar to the sea. It’s like trying to make the sun move around the earth. Do not waste your precious time from now on trying to demand justice from the whites. Please relieve them from this burden, they don’t deserve it. 

·        Fair white – they may be very fair in their complexion, but they are not fair in their behavior. They have different rules for them, and different for the others. That is why fair white is an oxymoron. Whites are fair to the whites, get this clearly inside your heads. Of all the races in the world, I don’t know if whites can be termed as a race or not, but, contrary to the popular belief, they are the most intolerant of all. How many whites enjoy your foods? How many of them dress like you, on the contrary, they compel you to dress like them, talk like them, even do your hair like them. Don’t you know what they did to the aboriginals? They killed the parents, adopted their children, and made them think and behave like Australians.
Wikipedia tells me this: “Arabic, Somali, Berber, Amharic, Oromo, Igbo, Swahili, Hausa, Manding, Fulani and Yoruba are spoken by tens of millions of people. Twelve dialect clusters (which may group up to a hundred linguistic varieties) are spoken by 75 percent, and fifteen by 85 percent, of Africans as a first or additional language.” Now tell me, how many whites do you know who speak your languages? For God’s sake, they’re now teaching mandarin to their toddlers to penetrate into the Chinese market, but have they made any effort to learn your language, your culture? How can they then understand you, and if they don’t understand you, can they ever be fair to you? To be honest, they regard your language as the language of the slaves. Not so long ago, you were regarded as negros, niggers, their literature is full of stories that talk 'only' of the miseries and poverties. John Locke, an ivory merchant who sailed to Africa, and who later indulged in the slave trade, left a fascinating account of the Africans, says Chimamanda Adichie in her TED talk entitled, ‘The danger of a single story’. After referring to Africans as beasts who have no house, Locke said, ‘they are also people without heads, having their eyes and mouths in their breasts.’ According to Adichie, Locke represented the beginning of telling African stories to the West. He painted Africa as black, dark, full of negatives and Africans, in the words of the wonderful poet Rudyard Kipling, ‘are half devil and half child.’ And now, let me turn towards the Asians, how many whites know your languages dudes, and even if they do, it’s a great favor, isn’t it? But if you learn their language, do they think that you’re doing them a favor, or do they think you are getting civilized? How many of them dress like you, or allow you to dress your way inside the office premises, in a professional zone? So, please do not expect fairness from the whites, they have failed you since the very beginning of the story.

·        Disrespect – Knowledge is good, as long as you do not get into a judgment mode. For example, if you start disrespecting the whites because of what you just read, the whole purpose will be lost. Please understand that the whites have also fed you and your families for years. You have also got some very good friends who are whites. Allow them in your orbit, allow all the injustices that you have received so far, but do not disrespect the whites, they do not merit your disrespect. Disrespect again is a negative emotion, it is weak and gets the person(s) involved in a blaming mode, and if you ever get into a blaming mode, you will fail to achieve your goal. Your world, which is the third world, is now used as their dumping grounds, they dump their wastes, toxic or otherwise onto our lands. The whites, whether from the East or from the West, have wasted you and have ruined your world; they will continue to do so for as long as you allow them to continue. You cannot prevent it by disrespecting them, you have to wake up and do something really worthwhile so that your lands are no longer used as dumping grounds. So when you experience the germ of disrespect conquer you, like a virus, know that it is going to turn you lazy, and make you choose the easier way out. Think of the enormous good the whites have done for society, think of their contribution to literature, medicine, science, and technology, and to free thinking. So no not disrespect, but do not fall prey to their gimmicks either.  

·        Fall prey to gimmicks – It is superficial, melodramatic, and will never ever help. On the contrary, it means that things are just going to be the same. Gimmicks from their side would mean when a white policeman hugs a non-white, and gimmicks from your side will mean organizing condolences with candles. 

·        Candles and condolences – they show your weakness. By this, you are sending signals to the universe of its repetition, and the universe only says ‘tathastu’ (so be it). If today it's the condolence of George Floyd, tomorrow it is invariably going to be someone else's. I know when emotions run high, it’s not so easy to rationalize, but think, think hard as to how you can really change your fate. And changing your fate will mean focusing on your growth, your development, mental, physical, spiritual. Getting into a victim mode will not help. Getting angry and taking revenge, not either. 

·        Revenge – No revenge. Success is the sweetest revenge. I will share how, with a little bit of organized sacrifice and selflessness, you can achieve an outstanding success you truly deserve, year after year. However, success doesn’t mean being greedy. 

·        Being greedy – ask yourselves why you have left your own land and come in the lands that do not belong to you. It is not because of your need; it is because of your greed. But I have to fair to you, you have also come because you couldn’t cope with extreme poverty there. So you came here, and look at what you have got, you have cars, houses, good food, accessories and what have you. You are still not happy. The problem with greed is that it not only makes you weak, and dependent, it also clouds your brain, it entices you to want for more. If you want to see the change, don’t play ball with greed because it also makes you violent. The whites are greedy for wealth, and control, that’s why they are violent. End of story. 

·        Violence – in your movement for the next 50 years, being violent is a taboo. If I am intolerant about anything, it is violence. It is self-defeating and makes you insecure. Violence is suicidal. Abstain from violence.

The prescriptions (the dos)

·        Non-violence – I cannot tell you how important this is. Non-violence is an absolute pre-requisite in this newfound revolution. By this, I do not mean only non-violent action, but also non-violent words and actions.
Much before you begin to found an organization that, in fifty years, will enable all non-whites to vacate the first world for good, you need to be complete masters in non-violence. This will also help you to be thankful for everything that has happened so far with you. Be thankful for the whites for torturing you, insulting you, killing you in broad daylight, making you work like slaves, depriving you, treating you as second-grade citizens because all these behaviors helped you wake up and say thus far and no farther.  Non-violence makes you stronger, you get connected to your inner self. Violence makes you weak, unconscious, it defocuses you from your goals and kills you from the inside.

·        Conflict resolution – this is also very important. You do have racism in you too, don’t you? You can resolve your own conflicts by following some techniques suggested in the last bullet.

·        A larger-than-life goal – in the absence of a goal, this entire research will be of no use. What is your goal? I have thought about it at length on this, and I am of the opinion that you need to quit. Yes, I know winners don’t quit, and quitters don’t win, but not in case of addiction. In the case of addiction, quitters do win. Staying in the first world is indeed an addiction. Your goal now is to focus on your respective motherlands. You abandoned your own motherland and had come to the first world to earn a good lifestyle, a good living, isn't it? Now, what if I told you that, with organized effort, you can have everything you want, you crave for, in your own motherland, would you still like to stay in a foreign land? Question yourselves, sincerely question yourselves.
Have you heard of the word brain-drain? Mostly, the non-whites are the ones that are responsible for the growth and development of the first world. The whites categorically allure the cream from the non-white countries to serve their purpose. From their point of view, they are right.
Even during colonization, they took away all kinds of wealth possible from your land. After independence, they are taking the brains from your lands. The whites have always done what was good for them.
If you think that you, in all fairness, should also to do things that are good for you, then immediately find the core team and work each day to see what kind of plans would be effective in transforming the third world as good as the first world, in terms of comfort and convenience. Don’t look at ‘reality’, look at the possibility; that’s why there needs to be some madness, but at the same time, there needs to some methods in this madness.
There’s no doubt that you have the capability; in the first world, tell me one place of work that thrives without your contribution. IT, Banking, Manufacturing, Insurance, Education, Travel and Tourism, Yoga and meditation, Automobile industry, NASA, Military, Navy, Aviation, Sports, and gymnastics – tell me one place where there are no non-whites. If you did this for years for the first world, can’t you do for your own world? Don’t you owe this to your motherland?
Don’t worry at all for funds, if you are convinced that you can together make it work, funds will not only flow, they will overflow. You need honesty, integrity, discipline, conviction, and insanity. But your goal is to QUIT the first world so that there is not a trace of one single non-white in the first world by 2070. You will take back with you even the one handicapped child whom the Pied Piper failed to take. And unlike him, you will take them slowly, not at one go. I will tell you how.

·        The magic number – You don’t need all the non-whites to come into this fold overnight. For this goal to come into fruition, you need twelve insane people. These jewels will chalk out the road-map to leave the first world for good, step by step. If you have whites among these core members, so be it. As I told you that good whites far outnumber the bad whites. In every Hollywood film you see, the ones that are based on true stories, you would always see a white helping a non-white. The last film I watched was 'A time to kill'. Without Jake Brigance, would Carl Lee Hailey be able to be seen as ‘Not guilty’? Therefore, count on those white people who might be eager to join this newfound revolution. 

·        Sacrifice – this newfound revolution is not possible without sacrifice from the selfless core team. Period.

·        Challenges you should face– you will have to face many challenges  

o   The learned people will complain of an imbalance of population following the exodus. They would opine that the third world wouldn't have the wherewithal to accommodate the huge number of immigrants back in their own lands. My argument is that more than 90% of immigrants have their own land or property in their homelands. Even if the percentage is slightly lower, you can still be hopeful that no non-white country will have to make additional efforts to accommodate them? 

o   Resistance from the immigrants. 'Third world is no longer livable, it’s full of heat and dust, it’s dirty, it’s the dumping ground of the first world. How can people stay there? Especially those who are used to the luxury and comfort of the first world? Impossible. I mean it’s okay to go for a vacation for a month or two, but staying there for good? I mean are you out of your mind?’ To counter this, you need to chalk out a robust plan as to how you can rebuild and create opportunities in the third world. It needs work. Homework. But it’s possible.

o   ‘Why should we leave? Are we cowards? This whole thing is crap.’ These resistances will come. But in five years, when they will see unimaginable changes, these people will be the first to go back. The truth is that NO ONE WANTS TO STAY IN A FOREIGN LAND. They leave their land for money and comfort. I am asking the insanely dedicated team to think hard as to how you can generate money and provide the same comfort that offers the first world.

o   You may face challenges from the political parties of your respective countries.

·        Stop working – Once you have decided, have a good writeup on what you want to achieve, circulate it in every possible social media, and wait for funds to come. In the meantime, stop working for the whites. The twelve-member core team will have to stop their work immediately. I am not suggesting non-violent civil disobedience by all the non-whites, they need time to be convinced, all I am asking is that the core team should stop working for the whites. Immediately. QUIT. As a reason for resignation, they might simply write in lowercase, that nigger george floyd.

·        Inclusiveness – Non-whites would mean all immigrants. 

·        Challenges from the non-whites – you may face many challenges from your side, that of power, and position. That’s why I told you that this 'newfound' revolution will comprise a selfless twelve-member core team, the real masters, the real leaders who will not feel threatened to create other masters, other leaders in the days to come.

·        Focus on the following growths in your motherlands – I am not at all competent in this. I will depend on the quality dream-team for this. However, here are some points, to begin with, if at all

o   Land – your land is way too fertile than what it is projected. Crops, livestock is by far the best source of income and growth. What you can do with your land has no limits, for example, if you focus on one crop that grows best in your land, then that crop alone can work wonders for you. Plan, invest, and reap the benefits.

o   Indigenous artistry, mining, and industry, establishing IT MNCs in your own motherland.

o   There are many other ways of generating income. So far, you have never ever looked at the possibility because you had an easier way out. Now think that the first world is going under the sea, all will die. This insane thinking can show you the way.

·        Found your organization

o   Name – the immediate name that comes to mind is The Pied Piper. Think of a name that best represents what you have set out to achieve, and achieve it you will.

o   Logo

§  George Floyd and the Police

§  Christian Cooper and Amy Cooper

o   Mission (immediate goal, say, by 2030, we will achieve this)

o   Vision (to provide the third world with all the comforts and opportunities that the first world enjoys).

o   Goal (to completely evacuate the first world, to release the first world of the white man’s burden

§  Short-term

§  Long-term

o   Model – your organization should have a robust business and revenue models.

§  Business

§  Revenue           

·        Some techniques to combat internal resistance, and negativity – there are many techniques. Here is a list

o   Praying – regular praying, chanting, seeking divine help to make the project successful. However, praying may not be okay for those who do not believe in praying. For them the other techniques can work

o   Writing down the goal – it’s important to have a clearly written goal

o   Visual board – clearly picture the image of how you want your motherland to be, see it regularly, change it from time to time. Take help from the internet.

o   Yoga and exercise – you have to be fit, physically, and mentally. For this, you need to practice Yoga and any other forms of exercise. This will also help you to control negative emotions like anger, hatred, jealousy, and so on

o   Forgiveness – all major stakeholders of this newfound revolution, have to learn the art of forgiveness. Read books, take help from the YouTube, from spiritual healers on this.


Begin the process to make this happen. QUIT the first world. There is no other way. In 2070, when you will see that you have actually achieved your goal, the second world would no longer be an object of pity, it will be a great service to human dignity. Protesting, fighting for, or against any cause is essentially negative in nature, it is a sheer waste of time.


You are not fighting here, neither for nor against anything or anyone. You are founding an organization whose mission would be to help the third world countries grow and develop so that the children of the soil are mobilized back into their homelands where they will get the human dignity they truly deserve. Remember, success is the sweetest revenge. It is liberating and exhilarating. Besides, you owe this to your homelands, to your motherlands, don’t you?
